Jolin Tsai (Photo Source: Sina microblogging)
Yes Entertainment August 19 roundup     Jolin short study tour to London, the fans know. This morning, Jolin suspect marriages registered in London, news, letting fans raged, the cause is the recently exposed Jolin have friends living in London photos, while her boyfriend Jinrong then unexpectedly appeared in the lens, low-key with his girlfriend's whereabouts exposure, while also showing Jolin like the idea of marriage as long as the registration, which is not to take this opportunity was only suspected, secretly married?
Tanabata few days ago, Jolin had microblogging drying out in the exhibition of paintings painting passion kissing men and women with eyes closed. This is also considered as Jolin Taking everyone affection to her lover, and was traced Jinrong time in London, just after that, it seems, Jinrong also read the thoughts Jolin Yeah!
In June this year, Jolin Tsai, referring to the future requirements of the wedding, he had the idea of ​​showing not want to do. She felt: "Wedding necessarily made extremely luxurious, but we were tired, the simple enough."She jokes, said: "sign the word, and you're done." And this Jinrong to London, but for users of photo leak is likely to be a secret itinerary unknown. Therefore speculate more numerous.
Jolin Tsai may be registered for marriage rumors, brokers responded by saying: "absolutely impossible." The broker has always Jinrong not be contacted. Although, artists in the emotional issues, often with the broker prior showdown, but there is no guarantee Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse first marriage, things will not be published after reproduction, and thus, in the end is sweet joke, or a happy beginning, the answer is to wait for Jolin Tsai, Jinrong back later announced.