Annie (Source: Yes Entertainment)
Yes Entertainment August 19 roundup   yesterday (the 18th), Southern Entertainment Weekly, the official micro-Bo broke the news that the same experience of divorce Annie and Pan Yueming recent days hobnobbing, they not only live in the same area, but also repeatedly in the media beat go to the appointment. Could also restore single divorced Annie and Pan Yue Ming has quietly struck love fire? The message is also quickly gaining friends and fans of concern and hot.
Earlier media once witnessed Annie caring for Pan Yueming Qingsheng, while Annie has been recently discovered and Pan Yueming mother and intimate interaction. That night, Annie and Pan Yueming Pan Yue Ming's mother at the apartment door meet, Annie is very familiar with the mother helped off the Pan and Pan mother then gave Annie a large bunch of lilies, so Annie overjoyed, their relationship seems to have very close.
Annie then took the flowers and Pan mother's walk together, but fingers intertwined, it looks just like a pair of harmony-law, and then follow the Pan Yueming Annie and mother behind, and several other friends talking and laughing, a line people walked into the apartment Pan Yueming until midnight, Annie has left the Pan.
In fact, Pan Yue Ming and Annie neighbors for many years, they are one of the apartment owners, but even so, Pan Yue Ming Dong Jie and Annie before and did not have too much common ground, not even filmed a movie together. Dong Jie Pan Yue Ming and until after the divorce, and Annie began to warm up.