Figure / Ballet children riding Adonis Wet Bikini carcass fancy touch (Source: Internet)
Taiwan's recent sunshine, the other side of Israel was not much better, hot to every bar in the pool is not excessive, Leonardo ex-girlfriend, supermodel Ballet children Lai Fuli (Bar Refaeli) will do the same, recently returned to his hometown and all the friends swimming, ride altogether slugger who play more piles of music, play Super High!
Ballet children really play crazy Romania, in their own Instagram posted a lot of photos in a bikini bathing photos, in addition to playing piles of music, holding double "V" gesture, but also having all the fun with everyone playing water gun, but To tell the truth, of course, all eyes are focused on Patong child sexy bikini body, three-point play to emptied carcass really afraid blanket. (As shown to / from Patong children Instagram)
In particular, where a, and female friends lying on the beach each touch of the screen, simply hotter than the sun, not like a vacation, but in the film "Victoria's Secret" lingerie special edition bars. (As shown to / from Patong children Instagram)
Mention underwear, underwear now design their own Barbie children, the creation of a Web site called, there are many sites in the bar Israeli supermodel photo shoot, and these models are wearing extremely exposed underwear, quite loved by men, reportedly a detailed explanation of the underwear inside, so many of her husband and her boyfriend, watching my wife or girlfriend to buy it. (As shown to / from Patong children tweets)