Wang Liya yesterday (8) day incarnation of female teachers, upgraded from the soft mode "veteran" sharing of experiences, participants first guide plane shooting sexy photos, she said, although a little nervous, but the overall feeling of fun, happy. Joked model industry like "scam", with the theme in countless, "What do you want to be like, do not drive should behave like a veteran."
She said she did not know-how, is in private practice more, see newspapers and magazines do homework, look in the mirror, "learn to discharge the lens, it will not just empty body." To shoot beautiful photos, also often a lot of work behind the bitterness, There are times are required to bounce on the playground, showing relax, flying gesture, but why her foot high heels, wearing a mini-skirt, "feet can not Zhang very open, jumped several times, both home to find laceration of the thumb . "
Experience already got experience previously shot fashion magazine, wearing couture, but also elegant riding elephants do not have any fixed seat, she can only rely on their own feet out Li Meng grip elephant ears, very thrilling, "I'm really worried about the safety side, the screen also pay attention to coordination." Recently Jimmy Lin, Chen if the instrument with a 4-year-old son go through wedding in Phuket, Wang Liya and the bride from the entry knowledge and familiarity gradually become friends.
She served as wedding bridesmaid, recalls the day of the plot, plot, straight says romance like in the film, "really good shipped that day out of the sun, beautiful sunset, every day after the storm!" Day in the body of the bride next, looking at each dressing, busy busy east west, she contaminated atmosphere several degrees to cry, "with the big stars exchanges bear a lot of public pressure, she never complained, the children grow up, they still very sweet, all the way the way I was very moved. "
(Source: NOWnews)