Tian Li (Source: Yes Entertainment Celebrity Gallery)
Yes Entertainment August 14 roundup    Taiwan Golden Bell as the post Tian Li, Li Yuze recently traced with her ​​boyfriend, and their parents in Taiwan vacation. And Tian Li is even revealed that, with the future father-in-law to come to Taiwan to do physical examination, and there are plans to get married. She and her boyfriend were being handled single proof to facilitate future marriage registration procedures.
Tian Li's love life, are regarded as a kind of vigorous love. Early Ma Jingtao fell in love with the recently divorced, and serve as Ma Jingtao pay more brokers have been accused of working with the lover to forget. They have been to the point where going to get married, but eventually broke up because of personality clashes. Tian Li was revealed in a certain program, Ma Jingtao after drinking become irritable, violent, which is one of the reasons they broke up. Many years later, Ma Jingtao two married, Tian Li also grateful to former girlfriend, after all, when the two fell in love, Tian Li's daughter Ma Ma Jingtao world for Ai is very good.
In 2003, Tian Li and TV producer in love with Chen Ting married five years later, Chen Ting prominent in the background is the People First Party Chairman James Soong's brother in law, but the marriage, but only to maintain the three years, the woman accused the man of infidelity, despise the man but the woman can not have children after marriage, this divorce case is also well known on the island so much noise. Chen Ting Tian Li also anger choking: "Why issue a notice, the media got."
Years later, Tian Li's second spring finally in the TV series "next life but also to marry you," come, she and Li Yuze played a married couple, the two have had failed marriages, middle-aged men and women hit it off, started a low-key affair