Tony Leung, Carina Lau (Source: Yes Entertainment Celebrity Gallery)
Yes Entertainment August 19 roundup   Recently, there are many stars believers Thai White Dragon King died of illness, attracted entertainment mourn. White Dragon King of worshipers because of Ariadne, crossing of the tropical climate, and pray, and many insiders stars have ever traveled to Thailand in particular, seek to White Dragon King in career, marriage and life's instructions. Many of whom are well-known circle of people, of course, not everyone can see White Dragon King, and some were White Dragon King refused to see, for different reasons.
White Dragon Wang Zhongwen named Zhou Qinnan. Some say he used to be a master electrical repairs, some say he is the maintenance of the bicycle, in short, it is not from rich family. One day I suddenly realized that he was White Dragon King entrusted the world, so he diverted every Friday, Saturday and Sunday to help people talk about the good and bad fortune teller. Originally bedroom cottage just one, but helped a wealthy businessman to obtain large sums donated, built a White Dragon Temple, incense, and the White Dragon King restricted to the fortune teller does not make money, and I saw a nice ring, of course, the faithful will voluntary donations, as a sop.
In the White Dragon King's followers, the most favored to the number of Tony.Allegedly, he was received as a godson White Dragon King, but pointing to his career development. Tony has always been reticent to face the media, White Dragon King had told Tony: "He is not afraid to stand up to face."
White Dragon King's birthday each year, will go to Tony's birthday, while Tony Leung, Carina Lau bumpy marriage, also in the White Dragon King's attunement to fruition.
However, Tony's wife Carina White Dragon King did not favor, Chuan had to accompany her husband Tony Leung Carina Lau called White Dragon King, but the White Dragon King refused to talk to her. Since then, Tony went to White Dragon King are to go alone.