Sam Lee (Source: Yes Entertainment)
Sam Lee at Father's Day, a lawyer, was given an "almost over Father's Day," the draft statement, there are three declarations, first reiterated its willingness to cooperate with the inspection DNA, again questioned Cai Xin Xuan Sam Lee family carrying a child to produce pictures of family privacy and image rights violations , and finally to Father's Day for the spindle, they played tenderness offensive, complain do not know the truth, then this should be his first Father's Day, trying to restore the image.
Sam Lee and Cai Xin Xuan DNA tests different tune, Sam Lee seeking an early test DNA, accusing Cai Xin Xuan with "kids are still dangerous period" by delaying, Cai woman lawyer said that "she did not promise to be examined, and the doctor does not give experience." And Cai female yesterday revealed that production has saved his son's cord blood, cord blood banks have contact with, if necessary, to provide cord blood to Sam Lee test.
Sam Lee on the 7th straight Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital and lawyers want DNA tests but were refused, in spite of his children dying woman batches, while Sam Lee Tsai yesterday in a statement questioning women fear the test results, no parent-child relationship with his child, and reiterated without ignoring the child's safety and willing to cooperate with prison set and called Cai woman discovered that the child's biological father, and gave a sincere love of children's home.
Sam Lee is not a question for the outside world to September hair piece fried news, Lee's assistant Sandy clarification: "This year will be the hair piece, but definitely not in August and September, and no one will want to fry this kind of news." Sam Lee because unmarried Supremacy affect the image, but commercial speech remains unaffected, yesterday he was scheduled trip to the United States and Canada in accordance with commercial speech, is expected to return to Taiwan on the 20th.
(Text source: NOWnews)