There aren’t many celebs that could realistically set themselves this challenge. But we’ve got a good feeling Russell Brand can get through every single sexual position in the Kama Sutra before the end of the summer no problem.

That’s right, comedian Russell has set himself a sexy little challenge to keep him entertained during this wet weather.

Single Russell wants to practice the mythical 2000-year-old sexual positions book, and all before we hit autumn.


Why not, eh?

A friend told The Daily Star: “Russ picked up a copy of the Kama Sutra at the beginning of summer.

“He has set himself the challenge of reading it and acting it out before summer ends. It's been a long-term aim of his. And now he's single he's going to go for it.”

If anyone can do it, our Russ can.

The Hindu book is famous documenting a number of sometimes seemingly impossible ways of sexing with 64 illustrated sex positions that have names like  The Camel's Hump, The Crab and The Wheelbarrow.

“Russ told me ‘It's the professional's version of that Fifty Shades Of Grey book,’” his friend added.

Now he’s no longer with ex-wife Katy Perry, the Rock Of Ages star has more time on his hands, so he needs a hobby.

You know, things like jigsaw puzzles, crochet, or relentless love making…

“He gets bored easily and likes to keep himself entertained. He's always setting himself little challenges to keep his mind occupied.

“He said it would be the ultimate sexual challenge. But to be fair to him he wants to educate himself on the philosophies of the book as well as the enjoyment.”

Yeah right! He blatantly just wants to do The Toboggan all day long.