Vivian Van Ness Tanabata announced the marriage blessed old love (Photo Source: Sina microblogging)
Yes Entertainment August 14 roundup   By yesterday Tanabata festivity, F4 member Vanness Wu on the microblogging announced the good news: "I am impulsive! God bless you and God bless Vanness VanNess Wu Shi Zhen Shan Arissa Cheo was on August 9, 2013 Day marriage application made ​​by Singapore law, they want to share the happiness to all my friends, but also to give hope to all blessings. "
It is reported that: Vanness Wu Shi Zhen Shan girlfriend Singapore wealthy daughter, his family was wealthy. Worked in Taiwan's development, and Li Wei filmed idol, but the star was far from smooth. Two had intercourse in 2006, after a brief study in the U.S. because the woman broke up. 2010 affair surfaced again, Vanness Wu admits two people in a relationship also generous.
Vanness Wu and his girlfriend are due devout Christian, he has repeatedly stressed that it will not stick to have sex before marriage contracts, more faithful to show wear chastity ring, so the two finally married, Vanness Wu can justifiably a husband it.
Had intercourse with him three years Vivian, more generous Congratulations on old love: "very happy for them and wish them long life together." Ke Zhendong more friends sign up to be a flower girl, everyone for him to find a good marriage and happy.