JJ Source: Yes Entertainment Gallery)
Yes Entertainment August 14 roundup   JJ claiming to crush Hebe Hebe spoke for nearly 10 years, has also Hebe concert to express their love to sing love songs climax, I did not expect the concert a few days later, he was photographed transfer print media "roof" actress Li Xin Ai, after the publication of news, not only Hebe fans happy, now came Hebe belongs RHINOTECH music is thunderous applause.
According to the latest issue of "Next Magazine" reported that China Hebe repeatedly grind music for JJ "Peach said," has long been dissatisfied. Last April, the two attended the same in Shandong "MusicRadio China TOP ranking Presentation Ceremony" when accompanied by a colleague JJ, pictured to the requirements put forward Hebe, Hebe generous promise, I did not expect this picture to the newspapers the next day, JJ was also describe the result of forgetting too shy to call, but it caused the woman's friends and company complained that JJ is a party planned to press, took the opportunity to press speculation.
This year in June, SHE concert will be held in Singapore, JJ as "landlord" status to send flowers with red wine, while Hebe went to see them in order to return JJ concert in Arena, July JJ concert also personally appeared to join in, I did not expect but let themselves become the focus of the topic, let her frustration and embarrassment.
Fortunately, the end of the concert a few days, JJ was photographed Miss Daisy Li Xin Ai, let him in concert on Hebe's confession seemed to be somewhat ironic, but also so many fans happy woman expressed Hebe finally freed from this hype .