Angela heels sideline business success, then who spent more than ten million opened its first flagship store, she has no fear around Jay Chou, Edison Chen, Luo Tide brand stores, choking laugh: "They do not sell shoes!" As a brand CEO Angela , the size of things stick personally involved throughout, she admitted Gehangrugeshan, setbacks can only put bitter to swallow.
Angela (Angela) own brand of high-heeled shoes, the network began in January this year, sold, performance long red, yesterday (the 19th) first flagship store opened in eastern Taipei, friends, Amber, Tien Niu, Yang Qing, soda green Qingfeng, off Ying offered his congratulations. Where Tien Niu and her love with the family, coming behind her feel gratification, Angela said: "Whether at any moment, she always gives me the greatest strength."
Brand from scratch, but also taken the Internet to open physical stores, Angela said that such results will be thought, she spent more than 2 million decorating 21-square-meter store, plus shoe store inventory, cost a total of about ten million NT dollars, quite generous. Angela admit that things have size pipe, large from the brand design, marketing and publicity, small enough to store any decorations go through her consent, plus there are performing the work, although her time of multiple identities often confused, but she fame or fortune.
But Gehangrugeshan, Angela said he was able to experience is one reason, "The hardest part is designed to fight mold, made out of the factory is not necessarily the way they want, but I was lucky, many people are willing to communicate and start over. "How much to lose now? Angela refused to disclose the numbers, "little friends!" Devoting himself to her career in high heels, while also working to preparing a new album, the current song has been harvested, is expected to be launched before the end of the year.
(Text source: NOWnews)